Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Day One and the First Response

Good meeting you all today. As indicated on the syllabus, read for Wednesday the Ramamurthy excerpt found under 'relevant links' and the Errol Morris piece entitled 'Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire.' Be prepared to discuss both in class. You will likely find the Ramamurthy, despite its brevity, the more difficult of the two, so give it some time and some study (and don't forget to pay particular attention to words and phrases you don't entirely understand). Lastly, in your 250-500 word response, try to imitate what Ramamurthy does to the E. Taylor Passion ad. That is, 'read' an advertisement the way she does. To help us with the next few weeks, stick with still ads (that is, no video). Find your ad somewhere on the web, and begin your response with a link so we all can see it. Ramamurthy finds many many details about the Elizabeth Taylor ad. We can't expect you to be so fluent with this kind of analysis, but give it a shot. What details can you notice in an advertisement? What can you say about it?


sliebman said...


Please not that this ad is the second ad on the page, The Folgers Coffee ad.
This Folgers ad is quite interesting and caught my eye in several ways. Firstly, seeing this ad on the computer caused me to believe that the advertisement was fake. However, if you look closely you’ll notice that this ad is on an actual street in New York City. I find it rather fascinating that the designer of this ad decided to put the picture of the mug over a cover to the subway so that smoke comes out, just as in an actual mug of coffee. The bubbles surrounding the outline of the mug make the coffee seem more real and therefore more desirable. Without the word, “Folgers” used in this advertisement, one may not necessarily recognize that it is a coffee mug. I for one would have assumed it was just another piece of garbage lying in the streets of New York City. The quote posted on the mug that says “Hey city that never sleeps, wake up,” is one that confuses me a bit. Is the ad trying to say that because the city never sleeps everyone is always tired and therefore needs to have a cup of coffee, preferably Folgers in order to keep these people that never sleep awake? I find it interesting that there is no caption on this advertisement consisting of a delightful word to describe the coffee, such as tasty, satisfying, yummy, fill in the blank. However after pondering this wonder of why none of these words are captions on the ad, I realize that the picture of the coffee seems so good that maybe the designer of the ad felt that there was no need for a caption like that. Notice how the word Folgers is bolder and printed larger than the rest of the sentence. The reason for this may be because City people tend to rush from place to place and may only get a split second to look at this ad. The people of Folgers hope that in this split second that someone looks at this ad, they will take away from it that which the designer of the ad wants, which is for people to think Folgers. Once you have the exhausted people of the city that never sleeps thinking about Folgers they will realize from the ad that they really are exhausted because they are in the city that never sleeps, and therefore are in extreme need of some coffee to help them get through the day. The goal of designing this ad was so that when people walk by they will desire a cup of coffee, but not just any coffee, Folgers!

Jason said...

http://www.adclassix.com/ads/25campbellsoup2.htm Jason Eisenberg
The Campbell’s ad tried many ways to catch the cutomers attention. In the 1925 Campbell’s soup, they emphasize on how they put real vegetables in their soup.They seem to be trying to show that unlike other soups that put artificial vegetables, they put real vegetables. In the ad the vegetables have not yet been cut up yet to show how fresh they are. The ad also shows a large variety of vegetables showing how they go at great lengths to put in any vegetable that I may like. At the bottom of the ad the soup is steaming hot ready to eat. They seem to be trying to convince me how good the soup looks when cooked and ready to eat. Soup is at its best when hot so by showing the soup steaming hot, is way more appealing then showing it at a mild temperature. In the ad there is a qoute that says " Often Nothing tempts the appetite like a hot plate of good hearty soup". The ad really wants me to believe that this statement is often true for most people. Its seems as if they use the word often for safety reasons. If they did not use the word often and the customer disagrees they can potentially lose a customer. They also may be afraid of being called false advertisers. The ad also seems to suggest that the soup is very good for lunch and dinner and is very filling. At the bottom of the ad there is a price listed. Campbell’s would not list a price if they did not think their price was a bargain. The ad gives the amount of diffrent kinds of soups they make. I think they do this so if you like their soup you should try their other kinds as well.

Megan Sughrue said...


The fact they use pink as such an important color in the entirety of this ad creates the image of a powerful woman. Pink is a power color, it's also the color that many people consider to be very feminine. Slight details such as fishnet stockings also include the image of sexuality. If I were to make an assumption of the picture alone, I'd imagine a strong, powerful woman comfortable with her sexuality.
The ad reads "Fake is for last night" clearly this is a representation of sex again. Sex sells no matter what gender you're trying to sell a product to. Lines such as "Fuel to be fabulous" emphasize the beauty and greatness of a woman. The ad portrays a strong, powerful and beautiful woman who is comfortable in her own skin and sexuality. The fact it's an energy drink for women also implies the independence of a working woman.
Just as the woman in the pictures body language is alluring and flirtatious, crossed ankles, posture but also a bit of an arched back, the use of words and important color scheme entices the mind with its temptation to buy TAB energy drink. Depending on the use of color, perspective, wording, and product placement an ad can speak to the consumer in such a way that it's almost like sweet talking them into buying a product. Luckily for TAB energy they made exactly the right choices in depicting such a strong and independent woman. This is the perfect ad for an energy drink because energy is what enables women to be strong and helps provide them with the power to do what they need to do throughout the day, even if it is "faking it".

Rachi and Dandan said...


Most of the advertisement is taken up by a woman’s head and naked slouched shoulders. She is horizontal as if she is lying down. The lighting gives her a natural outdoors look. It makes you think she could be laying down on the grass somewhere. Also she is not wearing any thing which is also an allusion to the natural way of life. Which contrast the unnatural look of her lips compared to the rest of her body. The model is not famous so the advertisement is directed towards those who don’t strive to be famous but hope to still be beautiful.
The object of the advertisement, the lipstick, is located right below the woman’s lips, indicating that she had just used it to make her lips look the way they do. Because this is a lipstick advertisement the woman’s lips are right in the center of the picture. Her lips are fully pouted as if she is going to com out of the advertisement and kiss the viewer. The rest of the woman’s face is makeup free reflecting on how the viewer should be paying special attention to the lips of the woman. This further exposes the viewer to the product.
The words of the advertisement are “color your lips extra full.” showing that the lipstick itself colors your lips like a normal lipstick would but it also makes them look more voluptuous. Going in a vertical line next to the lipstick are color samples of all the other colors this product offers, showing that it doesn’t have just one type of person in mind but any type of person who likes to wear any type of lipstick.

yixi xia said...


Apple Computer Inc. introduces their latest product "The All New All In One IMac".
The first image comes out in the ad. is a group of IMacs spining around the table as the music goes around which provides a 360 degree viewing. Then, it turns to the end with just one IMac equip with accessories such as keyboard and mouse. Simple and clean just like the IMac itself, the Company does not create extra images and adornments. However, this advertisement creates a effect of reflection to the theme which is simple and clean. ( The Imac doesn't have a separte computer like we usually see from the store. The monitor itself, is a combination of the computer and the screen)

Even though the ad. is not that complicated compare to most of the ad. on the TV, but it creates attraction at the end as the IMac goes to the right of the picture, and a summary of features and descriptions appears on the left part of the picture. This brief summary includes all the possible features the IMac has and with a starting price around $1,200 people can get it easily even as student like us could afford it.
Meanwhile, at the left bottom of the picture, several options like "seeing is believing" and " watch the ad. again" supports more details for the consutomers.

With all the options and details in the ad. people would be interesting in buying IMac from them. And the most successful option the apple computer does is the combination of the computer and the screen, which saves up spaces and makes it easy to move from one place to another.

paul said...


Apparently, surfers wear shoes. I didn't know that probably because I've lived in New York for most of my life. That's why I wouldn't really give much thought for this ad, but I'm sure surfers will find this ad quite interesting. First off, the background for this ad is an ocean, which will immediately catch the eye of any surfer or beach lover. It goes deeper than this though. There is a caption that runs across the ad which reads, "like the ocean, both beautiful and dangerous." Behind the captions, there is close-up shot of a beautiful young girl who is smiling. Right below it though, we can see that this same girl is mastering a huge wave on her surfboard thus giving a nice visual to the caption. We can now assume that this ad is targeting surfer girls.
At the bottom of the ad, there is a Vans logo and a small picture of the product they are trying to sell. Cleverly, the ad distracts the consumer from looking at the actual product by bloating the notion that if one wears these shoes, one will become beautiful and dangerous. By placing that idea into the head of the consumer, the shoe will look much more appealing, which will eventually lead the consumer to buy the product. This ad accomplishes this marketing technique very subtly. I would assume that many surfer women and beach goers will look at this ad and have a sudden urge to ride monstrous waves in these shoes, while looking beautiful of course.

ADANGELO100 said...

In response to sliebman:
I thought the ad was pretty interesting as well. I also agree that their message was unclear in saying "“Hey city that never sleeps, wake up”. Maybe they are using the oxymoron to emphasize New York's need for coffee like you stated. Either that or it was well thought out, but I highly doubt that. Most company's will make their name bolder to make it stand out and grab your attention, especially for busy New Yorkers.

Polina said...


With such an impact to a camera flash, it's only natural for a desperate viewer to become excited by such an exageration. Orbit gum has always concentrated on clean, bright, and white teeth, regardeless of how unsanitary the situation. Moving away from it's usual unhygenic enviornment, this advertisement places itself in a fancier position. This time, not only will your mouth sparkle if you buy this product, it will blind your photographer. Unless, of course, you are a toothless little girl, or in some cases senior citizen.

This advertisment is witty and clever, in my opinion, but it seems more funny then effective. There is little descriptive information provided with this product which doesnt convince me any more then your average Trident ad, which has the support of four out of five dentists. Nevertheless, it does convey the message that this gum shouldn't have a reputation of being bad for your teeth like other brands, which are content with simply being sweet. So, with such a blinding offer, it is safe to infer this gum can't hurt you, if it carries such a promise to please your teeth.

SKoley said...

The ad is displayed on a billboard on a large brick wall. It is a black and white ad from French Connection United Kingdom that invites those lingering eyes that care enough to poise their stare on them. The ad is in promotion of FCUK fragrance and contains an image of a lively woman in bed being smothered with sexual attraction by a man seeming to be a person she might have just met. The two are coveted in white sheets as they sit up on a black barred headboard of a bed. The woman is fixed with an ecstatic expression upon her face as she cringes with sexual satisfaction. The man looks insignificant in this ad as all the attention seems to be focused on the girl even though the ad is promoting the fragrance for both men and woman.

The man is shown merely to portray the result of putting on the fragrance and how much your attraction level rises from the use of it. Though there is much sex appeal being shown in the ad, the personality factors for the two within the ad lacking; so they are left looking adolescent. The tagline for this piece is “Scent to bed” which in a way is eye catching and a clever move for a tagline. The message contained within the tagline is purely in the means of sex and nothing more. Most people would be drawn to buying the product simply because of the simplicity of the action taking place in the photo after using the fragrance.

Polina said...

Furthermore, i feel rather discouraged from buying this product because I question why the setting rests at a seemingly quiet and a tidy formal event rather then the mess orbit gum usually resides in. Does that mean Orbit gum can't really handle the dirt it claims to fight through, to ensure your cleanly feeling? I personally would have liked to see these fine people in a little bit of dirt , yet still smiling with pleasure.

Walter White said...


The warning advertisement campaign by Tag is a sensible approach taken by Gillette to appeal to their main demographic, male chauvinists. In this advertisement, a group of female volleyball players are shown almost sexually assaulting a male, who had used Tag body spray just prior.

The Tag body spray renders the female helpless to the aroma, therefore in a fit of passion they carry out a sexually unrelenting “attack” on the defenseless male. Based on the expression of the male, he seems to be in a masochistic state, seemingly enjoying the pain aroused by the hair tugging and eight female pile-on. It can be assumed that the group of volleyball players were either practicing or playing a recreational game of volleyball when the aroma of the body spray manipulated them into being immediately sexually attracted to the male, because the location of this advertisement is in a gymnasium with a volleyball net in place.

The expressions of the female volleyball players indicate that they too are enjoying the sexual barrage on the male student. This can be attributed to the “Tag effect,” which allegedly causes unwanted sexual attention from the opposite sex. The warning message advertisement campaign cleverly tells the reader that the amount of sexual attention given to him will exceed such a level, that it would be intolerable, even violent. Of course the campaign is geared towards a specific gender, but the delivery of the advertisement makes Tag irresistible.

Yoni said...

Don’t drink and drive-
1st ad on the page
The purpose of this flyer is not to sell a product but rather to convey a message. This ad caught my eye due to the symbolism in the photograph. It is a picture of a glass beer bottle broken into a ton of pieces on a paved road. This advertisement exemplifies a widely know phenomenon, that driving under the influence of alcohol could result in a car accident. The broken bottle represents both the cause and the effect, or the beginning and end. One who is drinking starts with a whole beer bottle, which can correspond to a person with full control of him or herself. Once the affect of the alcohol takes charge, the beer bottle falls and shatters, parallel to the shattered remains of a car accident. The shards of broken glass are not accompanied by anything except for more crushed glass. That lone-standing glass also suggests a feeling of depression and despair, maybe the emptiness one feels before deciding to drink and drive, or the feeling one gets after performing this possibly fatal action.
The picture on the beer bottle’s label appears to be a kind of bird that flies. This false advertising could lead people to believe the sensation of drinking as a soaring experience. Instead, the truth is, it is a short lasted high in which more people than just the drinking driver are put into extreme danger.
At the bottom of this ad are the words “Don’t Drink And Drive.” Something interesting that could go unnoticed by just a quick glimpse is that the words “And Drive” are flipped upside-down and reversed. This can be taken to demonstrate the commercial’s message that one who drinks and then drives only brings him or herself closer to losing control, inhibitions, and sensible judgment, producing a flipped and twisted outcome.

Jairo said...


At the first glance the thing that will most likely that will take your attention is that most people are attracted to cars that have only two doors. Also the color of the background is a color that takes most of the people’s attentions. The car by its self looks really nice and the way that the light is being reflected on it makes it seem really attractive. The captions on the ad make the car seem better than others and they point out the things that people are most interest in. The word “Intensity” makes the car looked adventuress and people now a day want to have and experience something that is intense. The car is the only thing in the pictures and it makes it stand out because it’s the only thing in it. Also the capture at the bottom says that is the #1 luxuries brand that satisfies the customer. The plain look of the car makes it seem simple and at the same time wanted. The words that are used in the ad are really thought of because they tell the views things that will make the car desirable and make the car look like the best car out there. There may be better cars out there but for some that doesn’t know anything about cars will be very attracted to see that it has 330 horse powers and people that know nothing about anything they get attracted to things that have some high number and it makes them seem like the best thing out there.

Yoni said...

In response to Jason:
I agree with what you said about the reason the advertisers might stick the word “often” in as a safety net for people who may disagree. I also think the sellers of this product made sure that the reader knows this soup has fresh vegetables being used rather than fake flavoring. I think they really stress this when it says “Real food in delicious soup,” proving that it can be both delicious and non-artificial simultaneously. Also, the fact that they offer twenty-one different flavors proves that they are using tons of combinations to make great tasting soup to please a large population of consumers.

AChung100 said...


Women are portrayed in different ways. A black woman is appeared in this ad in her under garments showing her true self. She's wearing nothing more than her white bra and undewear. Wearing little amounts of clothing does not mean she's showing any sexual related ideas. It's to show and prove that is what it really is. It's her own body with nothing being done to it like cosmetic surgery or having implants done. This is not like other ads that portray skinny models, having gorgeous bodies, but with an average women you would see anywhere on the streets. She shows the more realistic and realities of life. Additionally, with the expression on her face she is smiling and comfortable telling everyone that she is happy about her body and proud to be who she is also liking everything about herself. Loving all her curves and size.
With this advertisement shown here, it speaks to all kinds of women. Not targeted for specific people but all the women in our society. The words prove that women who are skinny, chubby, dark skinned, light skinned, elderly women or younger aged women as well as all the different sized women around the world is fit for this product. I like this ad because it shows what there is more to women than having perfect bodies. These ads are popular on television as well as billboards displayed in many locations.

fei said...
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fei said...

If the smartest Electronic company
SONY can bring you lots of joy by creating the most successful game system Playstation2(ps2).Then what could the "next generation" system-Play station3(ps3) do for us? It can once more create the miracle which PS2 has?Well, here is an AD that had got my attention from ps3.
In a jet black room.Opens slowly along with the ceiling white electric lights.we saw six white eggs and in slowly PS3 controller which floated off to the sky.Suddenly,the controller starts to order moves.At the same moment,eggs also begin along with controller sway about rolls.When the background music gets pressing.A invisible force lets the controller fierce move towards to the left side.The eggs seem to have a possession from the controller,they are rolling straitghtly to hit the sidewall of left side.After a crispy sound among eggs and side wall,six crows appear in our line of sight.A row of black characters “sixaxis wireless controller”shows up right after the crow's flying show.
Like the ad which SONY did before,it attracts me alot just by showing some abstract image .sixaxis wireless controller?Sounds really interesting to me.Come to think about it,while you are playing video games with PS3.The role that you are controlling right now is involved in the danger:A big truck is moving towards to you.If you are so into the game.Inertia, you will avoid the truck by moving your body to the right or left in the reality.Guess what will happen?Un expecedtly,the game role that you are conrolling starts to do the same movement as you just did in the reality!
The science and technology is progressing,SONY is willing to make a new Miracle.A new game revolution will soon Expansion
around the entire world.This piece of fancy ad has already got many attentions from people who loves to enjoy the fantasy world.In the near future,you might see your friend is playing video games with the PS3 game system and the sixaxis wireless controller.To make the fantasy become realslity,SONY has made its first step for us.A very creative AD from SONY.

syed said...


Calvin Klein has always been in the limelight for controversies surrounding his advertisements depicting shocking images ranging from nudity to sexual preferances, racism to promoting anorexia.
The point to be noted although is that it has never lost out in its sales, Calvin Klein has always been growing and earning money at an exponential rate, taking advantage of the publicity.
This advertisement depicts a man carelessly wearing a pair of Calvin Klein jeans, the ad is in sharp contrast to his previous advertisements in the sense that it is the complete opposite of his previous ad campaigns.There are no undressed models or even a model displaying a magnificient body, instead, its a man who seems slightly overweight and would pass off for just a "regular guy".these are not "qualities" which a usual Calvin Klein model possesses.
The ad tells us something about the strategy behind Calvin Klein's ad campaign's which are often based on a "shock value". The ad's are designed to cath the viewers attention and create an initial reaction of shock which makes Calvin Klein products stand out.
In my view the ad is just another attempt by Calvin Klein to "win over" another part of society.

DC said...
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DC said...


This advertisement is very simple and attractive. It depicts a simple bus stop advertisement we see everyday as we walk by. Instead of a picture plastered onto the glass however, we are shown a glass full of large amounts of cash. At the bottom of the glass we see the company name 3M and two simple words, Security Glass. They are advertising what they show and that is simply security.

We are attracted to this advertisement because of the amount of money that is depicted in this advertisement. Money is one of the most coveted things in the entire world. If we see money on the floor, our eyes dart toward it and remain fixated on it until someone picks it up whether it is you or somebody else. We associate money with something important that we want to earn and to protect.

The setting of the advertisement is very crucial to its meaning. It is located in a public place, a city bus stop. The advertisement shows that no matter where you are 3M will protect you and your money. People will walk by and see that 3M represents security and confidence in their products.

Melissa Subedar said...


This is a Covergirl ad which promotes a brand new make-up line CG smoothers makeup and the matching pressed powder. It photographs celebrities Queen Latifah and Faith Hill standing back to bath wearing smiles which attracts us to the ad. It also photographs their flawless skin. On the center of this ad states 'Smoother & Smoother' and underneath it tells us the name of the product and what it can do for your skin such as soften it and help lines and wrinkles. It also gives us a website and the well-known slogan 'Easy breezy beautiful COVERGIRL.' On the right side of the ad, both products are displayed. On the left side, it tells us what shade Queen Latifah is wearing and on the right side, it tells us what shade Faith Hill is wearing. It shows how easy you can achieve that Hollywood glamourous look.

Both Queen Latifah and Faith Hill good skin both encourage people to buy both products to get this particular look. Many people want the flawless skin of celebrities and will do anything to get it. The advertisers make it look so simple to get beautiful and perfect skin. This simple ad fails to say if it protects our skin from the. It is saying if you buy our product you will be happy and satisfied because of the smiles on Latifah's and Hill's faces.

Response to Megan S:
I agree with what she is saying. It definately shows women being comfortable to show their sexuality and to be free. The way she is seated also shows that she is not afraid to be a powerful, strong woman, which is the way she is portrayed. I also agree with what she says about 'Fake is for last night.' These big, white, bold letters definately catch your attention and shows sexuality.

Melissa Subedar said...

Correction: This simple ad fails to say if it protects our skin from the sun.

S Henkle said...

After this point (ten a.m., or Melissa's post) all posts will be taken gratefully, but credit cannot be granted.

Pam said...


In the Tissot advertisement for women’s watches, they use Danica Patrick, a female Indy Car Driver to tell women to buy their watch.
Dressed in a fire retardant suit, an outfit that at one time only men wore and posed with her hands confidently on her hips, the add tells the reader, you too can win in a man’s world if you own a Tissot.

The advertisers presented several symbols of strength in harmony with femininity: the beautiful Danica against a rough stonewall, her manicured fingers looking small in comparison to the huge watch. They also use warm colors of tan and crème to soften the strong black and red in this advertisement. Danica’s flawless complexion is accentuated by soft lighting. Her tailored racing suit displays her youthful figure (looking feminine in a man’s uniform) while showing the many endorsements of her different sponsors.

The picture of the watch is placed opposite the top half of her body, commanding you to look at it, as you look at her. Their relationship is strong because time is the measure that determines who will qualify to participate in the final race and determines the drivers’ position at the starting line. Danica is known for being a pioneering woman Indy Car racer. To participate in that sport not only takes skill and intelligence but courage is a necessary attribute to negotiate the track at such high speeds. Danica has won and Tissot wants to be associated with a unique winner.

What does the ad mean when it says “A Woman’s Touch…In A Man’s World?” It makes me feel I too can succeed. You can’t help feeling this attractive woman is serious about her profession; she is looking you in the eye with a smile. Danica posture is one of self-confidence and strength, traits that are necessary in racecar driving. As women we can be certain that if we work in a so called “man’s job” we too can retain our femininity and win it all just like Danica.

Pam said...

In response to Megan:

While I agree with you that sexuality was used effectually to sell Tab Energy Drink in this ad, I disagree with your statement that pink is a power color.

Pink is known to be associated with baby girl’s clothing, little girl’s bedrooms and the “Shirley Temple” cocktail. It is soft, “girly” and demure, a pale version of the dynamic color RED!

Megan I believe you are right on target when you said that pink was the perfect choice for this ad but for a different reason. I think pink was used to contrast with the sexy clothing, sensual body language the woman is displaying and the bold statement this ad makes.

Daniel said...


I've seen alot of BMW ads on tv, but I never thought a magazine ad would be more interesting. This ad is a very sexually oriented ad, seeing as how its nighttime, they're naked and about to get their freak on or in the middle of it and just pausing for some passionate moment. But there's something strange about this ad, the woman's face is a magazine with a picture of BMW car in it, specifically I believe it to be a 3 series. I doubt this has happened in reality anywhere in the world, if it has then that guy/girl must really love BMW's and has a very tolerant lover as well. I believe this ad is targetting both male and female viewers because of various reasons. It targets the male audience simply because BMW's are damn good cars, or speaking in consideration of the ad, maybe the "guy" is thinking I'll get lucky if I have a BMW, and by lucky I mean sex. These 2 reasons are very simple but that is what guys think about, usually. Or maybe going in a little deeper, in the ad the male is on the top staring down very passionately at that red BMW 3 series, more important is that he's on top and it looks as if the BMW-woman is submitted to this guy. Almost as if BMW is saying, buy our car and we'll submit to you. So how does this ad which looks like its for men, target women as well? Well first off, if it was a ad just targetting men, the male model might not have been so good looking with a well toned upperbody. This is how BMW targets women, with a guy that is favorable to their fantasies. Maybe such women think that if they own a BMW they too will be pleased in life or just at night. Nonetheless I bet people have talked about the ad with their friends, I bet people have purchased the car through this ad. But thats not surprising, it is a BMW with a woman's body after all.