Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Jason Eisenberg, Myth or authentic

The main idea in where trouble comes written by Davidson and Lytle is about how Movie companies add fake details and change the story line of an historical event to make money. Davidson and Lytle think it is wrong for movie companies to continue the trend, rather they should give the whole truth

Davidson and Lytle when reading Tim O Brien’s stories would find the stories to by mythical. Davidson and Lytle want movie companies as well as people telling stories about the Vietnam war for example to give the harsh facts even if it may be tough to swallow. They do not want movie companies and historians to depict the war in the wrong way. They don’t want the facts changed for movie companies to benefit off of. In the passage Where Trouble Comes it states “Grant the search for profits often pushes Hollywood to distort the past in hope of making films that audiences need and want to see”. (Davidson, Lytle.405). They are saying that many myths are added to war stories to attract the consumer. O’ Brien in his stories talks about how Lieutenant Jimmy Cross thought days and nights about the women he loved whose name was Martha. “In the late afternoon, after a day's march, he would dig his foxhole, wash his hands under a canteen, unwrap the letters, hold them with the tips of his fingers, and spend the last hour of fight pretending. He would imagine romantic camping trips into the White Mountains in New Hampshire “. Davidson and Lytle would call these accounts by Tim O’ Brien Mythical. They might say O’ Brien stories at times are nice, but too mythical. They would say that in such a brutal war there was no time to sit back and think of women back home. To Davidson and Lytle O' Brien is telling us these stories to soften up the real truth about the war. Davidson and Lytle would accuse O’ Brien of being mythical so in the future people would get a good feeling about the war and not the correct account of the war which Davidson and Lytle are stressing. The story is it self may be authentic. but the way it is told regarding the Vietnam War is Mythical because it brings a false representation of the Vietnam war.

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