Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ramamurthy and "Never Just Pictures" by Susan Bordo have overlapping ideas. This article sates that advertising is what is making woman want to be skinny. Women see pictures in advertisements of gorgeous thin woman, and that is what they want to be. Products are now being advertised using overly thin women. In Ramamurthys writing, he says that products are not only sold because of the product, but because of the overall idea that is being sold with the product. Susan Bordo wrote that "Children in this culture grow up knowing that you can never be thin enough and that being fat is one of the worst things one can be." (page 379) Children grow up with a certain image of what a woman should look like. That image is being advertised in every advertisement that would be read or looked at.


Jason said...

susan borodo is right when she says that children grow up with certain images in their head what women should look like. Kids learn from their parents and the culture around them. Its really a terrible thing becuase girls growing up can really feel the pressure to compete and look like the "Ideal Women". The sad thing is that it would be very defficult to change societys way of thinking.

Rachi and Dandan said...

the topics brought up in "never just pictures" are very importan. like how healthy used to mean that your body was getting all of teh nutriants it needed and you were excersizing appropriatelly. now it just means that you have no fat what so ever on yoru body. these people are hardly rolemodels for our children. its somthing that we can change as the next generation and we have to get to work on it.