Monday, September 17, 2007

Why Boys Don't Play with Dolls-Katha Pollit

The piece "Why Boys Don't Play with Dolls" byt Katha Pollit has showed us the stereotype of the society about how boys and gilrs should act like .Pollit has reached a good point about why girls have to be meek and cleaness or boy has to be masculine and strong .This is a very common social phenomenon that we can see it happen everywhere around America.She provides many cases to discuss about why parents choose to raise their kids in different ways. The birth of the infant is categorized by their gender.Whatever makes them to be that way are our society and families.Since the begining of the time, girls are rather femininie and guys are macho.Throughout the article Pollit dicussed the differences between a boy and girl and how society portrays in a certain way, if a boy possibly would to act a tad feminine it would seem rather disturbing to the point where many questions starts to stir. Pollit also mentions, the importance of women's features by giving a comparsion of ,'' Barbie", within the article she wrote , " Yet, to reject her is to say that what Barbie represents- being sexy, thin, stylish- is unimportant, which is obviously not ture, and children know it's not true" ( Katha Pollitt), this basically means that to justify that a person's feature isn't important is without a doubt false because , " looks" are indeed important and that reason alone the children understands that aspect.

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