Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Jarhead is a movie that is about the Gulf War but it doesn’t really focus on the war itself. The movie is more of a story-truth than a happening-truth. This would be called a Hollywood movie and not a historical movie. The story focuses on one men and how he spends his days in the war. Even thought the movie is about the war and the soldiers that went to it, you don’t really get much information about the war and you only hear them talk about the war for small periods of time. The movie moves really fast and there aren’t that many events that happen. They stay along time which each even that they put in the movie and about two are the only ones that have to do with the war itself. They add the element of family and girlfriends which is what attracts people to what the movie and also because they put funny scenes. They show the fear that the soldiers have and how much they also want to be there. The main character doesn’t kill anyone during this movie. Is really interesting how he spend somewhat more than 120 days in the war and in the movie he says that he spend four days with four hours and one minute in the war. Meaning that most of the time they were there doing training or doing nothing at all and just waiting and they only spend so little of their time in the action of the war. He never gets to fire his gun against an enemy and never kills anyone. Davidson and Lytle would say that this movie is not authentic and it actually isn’t. Even thought this movie is suppose to be about war, is more about how the war may affect someone and how it changes the things back home because time doesn’t stop in the real world when they are at war. When it comes to saying that is a war movie it really isn’t authentic but if you talk about the meaning of the movie, you would say that even thought it may hadn’t happen that way that it is true. So it is just the truth with some exaggerations and things that may or may not have happen.

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