Sunday, September 16, 2007

(why is it ok for girls to play sports? (why boys dont play with dolls)

“Why boys don’t play with dolls”, by Katha Pollitt, is very on then point for today’s day and age. Even while men can wear pink and women can run multi-million dollar industries there is still an awkwardness of how one should raise their children. Today there is a bigger acceptance of homosexuality and yet there are still a lot of things parents will stop their sons from doing as children, wearing makeup, heels, ect. Some see it as unnatural. But when a girl wants to play sports her parents are all for it because if they weren’t it would be sexist. The world seems to have a biased toward those who have been wronged in the past. Women want to be treated equally as long as that means that they are treated special. Just as long as they get that special treatment that helps them along in life. The average white male is the real one at the bottom of the food chain because he has no stepping loopholes into society. He is there as he is expected to be. Just as a man, not a woman with all of feminism backing her up. From Ramamurthy and “why boys don’t play with dolls” we learn that no matter what we think we see in the world there is always an underlying motive. Whether it is that you are a feminist and don’t want you’re your son to be only in to sports or if you are just a viewer of an advertisement that you think is harmless, there is always a deeper meaning.


sliebman said...

I think that's an interesting point that you make. The fact that feministic women specifically want their boys to play with dolls possibly. Because why should it be that girls play sports but boys can't play with dolls? However as we see in this article, advertisements have thrown us in the opposite direction using girls for doll or "girly" ads and boys for sports ads. Advertisements have made society have this idea that girls play with dolls and boys play sports and that will never be swapped.

ADANGELO100 said...

I agree with the points you made about women wanting to be treated as "special". The connection you made to Ramamurthy is one so simple I had overlooked. But Ramamurthy had also taught us there could be various sides to everything. Sports have become something that either sex can play, yet dolls are something of another color. As accepted as homosexuality is, it's still viewed as something you did wrong in raising your child. I know a couple of boys who played with dolls and turned out to be very macho, and girls who played sports and are straight as a pin. Unfortunately there will always be a double standard.

Yoni said...

I completely agree with you that there is a deeper meaning to everything. There are always underlying rationales that cause certain people to be treated certain ways and the same goes to explain different perspectives. Everyone relates to things differently and in effect causes various behaviors. The way people choose to raise their children by instilling different values, is purely based on their own reactions to original observations and expiriences.