Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Vietnam War

A question about Vietnam War films I would ask is why so many details are changed in Vietnam War films? Are filmmakers pressured by the government to show a certain point of view or perspective? Perhaps filmmakers believe they will earn more money if it’s shown in a more positive view of America and that will attract more viewers. A lot of people including myself don’t know all the details and what is true and what is not true due to various movies changing the facts in a certain way.

I don’t know much about the Vietnam War other than what I was taught in high school and what other people have said. I haven’t watched much Vietnam War movies and war movies in general. I was taught that the Vietnam War was one of most brutal wars ever and that America essentially lost the war. The point was to stop communism from spreading and in the end America failed that and Vietnam turned into a communist country. There were a lot of protests here in America for against the war and that we should stop it before we lose more soldiers in the Vietnam War. Soldiers were not as passionate and were unsure of what they were fighting for in the Vietnam War. A lot of soldiers were both mentally and physically hurt and could not function well after the war. I think it was also the first time they used biochemical warfare and that they used mustard gas but I’m not too sure about this. All in all, I know that the Vietnam War was a terrible war that resulted in many dead and hurt people.

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