Wednesday, November 7, 2007

"As, such, I'm copshow menace and a shoe commercial demigod- one of the rough boys from our " hood and the living, breathing embodiment of hip-hop flava" The paragraph above this quote described the experience an young immigrant women had in an all black Los Angeles neighborhood. The quote proves that every single black male is associated with crime of some sort, as being some kind of a gangster. They are also associated with always listening to rap or hip hop.

"Then we became free on paper yet oppressed still."

This quote best explains the fact that, yes, slavery has been abolished many years ago along with racism, but we are all very aware of the racism that still exists today, especially towards African Americans.

"We were just about all slaves, so we were all niggas"

The word slave, is automatically associated with the word nigger. White people aren't the only ones who make this association, you see this in my quote because that quote was made by an African American.

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