Wednesday, November 14, 2007


a) Topic: Colleges should not allow race or ethnicity to affect the admissions decisions in either a positive or negative way. Students should not be kept out by the color of their skin but they shouldn’t be able to have an immediate acceptance just because schools want to have more diversity in their student body. Students should be accepted based on educational merit, and neither race nor ethnicity should limit or enhance their chances of acceptance in to a college. b) affirmative action should not be an excuse for minorities to get in to schools rather than having a equality for all students. c) this paper will try to show how ethnicity and race should neither limit nor enhance the chances for students of ethic minorities to getting in to college.
2) body:
a) paragraph1: how the article “race sensitive admissions struck down at the university of Georgia”, written in the Journal Blacks of in Higher Education, reflects on the topic of racism being seen as a limitation for students from minor ethnic groups from getting in to colleges. This article gives statistic for other reasons of rejection from colleges, such as statistics of SAT grades of black high school seniors in Georgia.
i) the facts given to prove this casts a doubt in to the minds of those who could be otherwise viewing this as racism. The school claims that there are other places that these students could go. And that they have numerous factors that go into their decisions of acceptance of students.
b) paragraph 2: how the article “Higher Education for Negroes: Challenges and Prospects”, by Kenneth B. Clark, shows how there are numerous colleges made for blacks, which are referred to in this article as negro colleges, in which more that 80% of black went to. These colleges were originally made to teach newly freed black slaves. The fact that there are colleges made for blacks makes everything segregated enough.
i) proof or this: students who start out at the same place as everyone else should have equal standards for the judgment of their acceptance to colleges. So there wouldn’t be need to segregated colleges if there was equal judgment.
c) Paragraph 3: how the article “The Language of White Racism”, by Haig A. Bosmajian, shows how racism starts with the whites in the classroom as children and how this is how they are raised. But it goes on to say how they have to over come this and how they don’t exactly know what they are doing because they are rarely tied to the racism. How the article “What's the Big Deal about Racial Preferences.”, by Terence J. Pell, shows that colleges might not keep to certain rules in order to get what they want for their student body.
i) example for proof: the college of Michigan had a point system in which many things were taken in to account but the there were also 20 points that were given at the decision of the person reading the application.
d) paragraph 4: how the article “Sexism and Racism: Some Conceptual Differences”, by Laurence Thomas, defines the differences between sexism and racism and how they are both seen as serious limitations to their prospective victims.
i) proof: men who realize that are being sexist and want to change have to go back to the beginning and change everything they learned. In stead of that whites who are racism just refuse to accept that it has anything to do with them. Women and blacks have been seen as the same thi9ng in such aspects as intelligence and emotion.
e) paragraph 5: how the articles tie together to show that affirmative action is not necessarily the best choice if we want equality. Because we see from “Assessing Affirmative Action” by Harry Holzer and David Nuemark that affirmative action is really just giving separate treatment because of race, sex, and ethnicity. Whether it is a limitation or an enhancement it is still a biased and if we are striving for equality we should not accept this.

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