Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Part 2: The Outline

a. Subject of Essay: The majority of people believe that depending on your social class, as well as many other factors, there won't ever truly be equal opportunity among social classes. They believe that the person you are, depends on your social class, amount of possessions, or occupation and effects your ability to better yourself.
b. Argument: Although there are different races, ethnicity's and class distinctions, there is one thing that cannot be argued against, the fact we are all human. No matter what class we may be born into, we all have the same ability to better ourselves through hardwork, dedication and determination.
c. Method by which this paper will prove that argument: By using several quotations and examples from appropriate sources, this paper will examine the main argument and support the fact that social class does not determine one's ability to achieve in life.
d. Paragraph 1: Despite the fact that most people believe one's ability to achieve in life is based on their social class, the truth is that through one's determination, dedication, and hard work, they are able to better themselves no matter the situation they may be in.
i. Evidence for that point: Due to the fact that the homeless are in the lowest social class, most people believe they have no skills or ability to better themselves. However, in "Getting It Together: Social and Institutional Obstacles to Getting off the Streets" by Dalton Clark Conley, the opposite idea is introduced to the reader, "these individuals are beginning to be recognized as adaptive and resourceful. Recent literature on homeless people had depicted this population as an entrepreneurial group who engages in an every shifting combination of tacticts in order to make it from one day to the next, seeing their survival as a story of determination and resiliance." Although people may see the homeless as worthless and helpless, clearly they have enough ability and skill to survive day to day. The significance of determination is shown in this quote because it tells us that, with the help of determination, one has the ability to survive almost any condition.
e. Paragraph 2: Even though race, ethnicity, and class distinction all have an impact on the differences between people, the one similarity between every person, is the fact we are all human.
i. Evidence for that point: Donnell Alexander, author of "Cool Like Me", emphasizes this idea by addressing to the reader that we are all participants in a game of golf. He goes on to say "we're all handed the same basic tools as birth; it's up to us as individuals to work on our game. Some of us have sweet strokes, and some of us press too hard, but everybody who drops outta their mama has the same capacity to take a shot" (443). No matter how many things you may own, how high your salary may be at your job, or what social class you may be a part of, you are human and that is something that makes us all equal, despite what many people believe.
f. Paragraph 3: People may argue that equal opportunity is hard to come by, but at times you must create your own opportunities and with determination, as well as responsibility, it is possible that you can achieve this in spite of your social position.
i. Evidence for that point: Bruce N. Waller, author of "Responsibility and the Self-Made Self", explains to us "responsibility for self falls into the same category as most of the workaday responsibilities that we (as responsible individuals) exercise" (46). Any person is capable of succeeding in life as long as they are responsible of themselves and they understand that their future has the potential to be whatever they want it to be as long as they're determined, dedicated, and responsible.

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